Friday, April 10, 2015

Thought, Crystals, DNA and Electro-Magnetic Expansion.Or; How We Get From 'There' to 'Here' and Beyond!

2 moon world
Just recently there have been some wonderful links and comments on this site regarding the subject of this title above – my thanks to all who made them.
It's a very complex speculation – 'science' even – and seeks detailed analysis but for the purposes of this forum perhaps I might make some slightly 'shorter' comments about what has been said in reference to the title, which points a possible way towards an expansion or even 'ascension' of individual and collective Consciousness.
By the way – these comments display simply my point-of-view, my 'angle-of-vision' on this subject – you all no doubt, will have your own views and respect to all of you for them.
'In the beginning was the Word' – it is said . . . meaning electro-tonal (light and sound) frequency – oscillation and vibration . . . of Thought.
This is indeed a 'holographic universe' of various dimensions – all of it / them (there are 15 dimensions within our universe-experience) – created through INTENTION and ATTENTION of Consciousness at any one point in the Unified Field of Source-Energy – through . . . 'Thought'.
Each 'Thought' is manifest instantly in the electro-tonal form of the 'Divine Trinity' of three particles; being:
 The prime/platform particle 'void' / 'still' particle or 'ante-particle', (The 'Intent' of Source – or 'God')
The electrical/'masculine'/oscillating/ positive particle . . . and 
The magnetic/'feminine'/ vibrating/ negative anti-particle.
These particles are infinitely smaller than an 'atom'. The Earth-scientists are searching for the primary-platform particle, the primary unit of' 'Life' as they know it!
These three 'divine' particles change places back and forth and interact in precise 'movements' according to Source-Energy INTENTION and thus is Consciousness independently and eternally created by Source' ('God').
These interacting particles of 'thought-intention' attract like 'thought-intentions' and together form into standing waves of light and sound and accrete (add to each other) forming grids or webs of similar electro-magnetic standing-wave frequency which manifest as packets or formations of minute electro-tonal crystals.
In accordance with the 'INTENTION' of Consciousness they may become larger crystal-form-templates of various types of density or 'matter'.
They are always conscious at the level of their assembled 'Frequency-of-Consciousness' and expand or contract their form depending upon their free-will intent and the energy of Source (or 'God') which flows eternally.
The human form or template is one expression of this 'expansion' and this 'intention'.
Our 'human' DNA is composed of minute crystalline points of electro-tonal multi-dimensional frequency built up by and through the particle-oscillation and vibration of electro-magnetic pulses of Consciousness Intention.
This is the same (in different ways and in different degrees) with ALL beings and ALL particles including those in water and in animals and in the air we breathe. 
Every particle is 'alive' and conscious and is in the process of 'Consciousness-Expansion' in accordance with their own personal template of form and the Laws of Free-Will and Oneness.
We, as 'humans', are VERY expanded expressions of Source-Consciousness ('God-Consciousness') in the sense that we are high-frequency-sensitive expressions of Source ('God'). All of our 'particles' are in a sense 'aligned' with the One – which is indeed, 'Us'.
This is why we may (if we choose) 'talk' to water-particles (anything in fact) and ask them / encourage them – to expand – or contract – and they will – depending upon OUR Frequency-of Consciousness. It is OUR Frequency-of-Consciousness which entrains theirs.
We may also do this with all the particles within us. We MAY choose to 'entrain' them in accordance with our Frequency-of-Consciousness. It is a choice we may make. We ARE infinite 'Creators' in the Energy of Source.
The 'key', however, is our 'Frequency-of-Consciousness'.
How is this acquired?
Very basically: 
ONE - by accumulating ALL the natural dimensional frequencies of each dimension through which we 'express' and in which we create and opening up to the dimensional frequencies beyond the 3-dimensional blend of frequencies in which we currently (as 'Earth-Humans) live. (Dimensions 1 / 2 / 3).
This occurs in each of our 'Time-Vector' existences (our many incarnations on this Earth over what we call 'Time').
There are 'parts' of our unique, eternal Consciousness within the 12 dimensions beyond the '3' in which we exist now. They 'know' us.
Our 12-strand DNA crystalline holographic structure contains ALL of who we truly are and all we have ever known of Source ('God') – but most of the strands are not 'plugged' in to each other so we cannot 'remember'.
Collectively, the 12 strands of our DNA (and all contained within them) are known as the 'Silicate Matrix' or the 'Crystal Gene'.
We have 'forgotten' our relationship and connection with all our 'parts' or 'selves' (disconnection of strand 4) and some humans have even forgotten their relationship with other humans and the elemental kingdom - and Earth itself – (disconnection of strand 2) because certain strands have been, as just mentioned, disconnected.
Some of these 'disconnections' have been deliberate – but not by us!
Some of these disconnections have been because of the 'alternative' thinking – the alternative electro-tonal' thought-patterns - we have indulged in or been 'encouraged' to create in the hologram.
As these 'energies-of-thought' have the power to 'attract' we have collectively – over hundreds of thousands of years – developed 'alternative' ways and means of 'living' and existing and creating, many of which are NOT natural – at all!
Many of these ways and means have become 'self-fulfilling' electro-tonal 'prophecies' which have created alternative crystalline 'forms' of energy within the holographic Unified-Field.
However – every 26 thousand years vastly greater flows of Source-Energy  move throughout this 15-dimensional universe and create a natural expansion of frequency everywhere, first throughout the grids of all stars and then all planets and then throughout every living being and particle of Consciousness upon those planets and stars.
This is happening now and will continue until December 2017.
These natural flows began (so it is said) in 2012 and 2017 is when they will be at their most powerful.
Many beings – humans especially – are feeling the effects of these incredible flows of Source-Energy and (if each one of us so chooses) we will find our physical, mental and emotional templates (of form) expanding and adjusting as our DNA strands begin to 'plug-into' one another again – as they were always meant to do.
This will naturally expand our Frequency-of-Consciousness, sometimes at the expense of some weird or unsettling experiences!
You will be able to tell if your Frequency-of-Consciousness is expanding.
If your 4th strand, for example, has not been activated (so you have not been able to, say, astral-travel or contemplate having a part of you in an alternative dimension) then you will slowly be able to appreciate either – or both. (I have had a problem with this one myself – until recently!).
Similarly, if you have not been able to 'resonate' with the elemental kingdom (animals in general) or to consider that our beautiful Earth IS indeed a 'being' of Consciousness, then, if your strand 2 IS assembling, slowly you will begin to actually appreciate these facts – and place them into your belief-patterns – and create alternative crystalline-thought-patterns and therefore a more expanded holographic reality-field which includes respect, even love, for the elemental kingdom and Earth. (This is something else that has happened to me over the last few years!)
The second way in which we may expand our Frequency-of-Consciousness is;
Each strand of DNA contains 'crystal seals' which (very briefly) protect us by stopping all the very high-frequency electro-tonal 'information' acquired or contained within strands 6 through 12 and dimensions 6 through 12 in which we exist.
If we were suddenly exposed to this vast and powerful expansion of Consciousness-understanding we would blow our templates (our fuses, if you like) and end up like some human bodies have been known to – in spontaneous combustion! 
(Tales of these events are indeed because the physical, mental, emotional templates have been exposed to multi-dimensional 'information' which could not be carried through them or when an attempt has been made to 'travel' through a dimensional 'portal' -doorway - without the requisite template-power-information.)
As we expand our consciousness naturally these seals release and we naturally assimilate (and understand) all the expanded and wonderful information that we truly express as our true selves – everywhere.
We may do this by enacting and operating the laws of Free-Will and Oneness (The Law of One) which were the primary laws mentioned and taught long, long ago before the current 'religions' were written as distortions of the Truth – essentially – so we would not 'know' or remember, and therefore would fail to expand our Frequency-of-Consciousness through assembling our DNA.
Honouring the free-will of all other beings and knowing (and living) in our heart-space that we are all 'connected', instantly accelerates the assembly of DNA strands 1 through 7 by expanding our Frequency-of-Consciousness. 
This will also allow the assimilation of the 26 thousand-year pre-cessional Source-Energy flows into all our other strands in a very natural manner.
Feelings and images and sounds of FEAR within the template create dissonance, prevent strand-assembly and project 'unnatural' thought-energies into the collective hologram, thus creating an alternative experiential reality-field. 
This is what has been happening in our 'Earth-Journey' for many tens of thousands of years.
Also – it was no accident that those ancient (and not so ancient!) 'elite' human-hybrid beings and 'off-planet' entities who distorted and 'adjusted' SO many aspects of our human-'history' over the last many thousands of years, utilised specific distorted symbols (of light and sound) to further disrupt and change our manifestation and consciousness-expression within the hologram; thus – they helped us change the hologram!
We need to take great care now with the symbols of light and sound (the electro-tonal signatures of frequency) which we choose to use each moment – or read – or view - or utter.
The natural ways for the human expression of Consciousness are expanded by natural-specific electro-tonal codes and NOT the unnatural, modified, distorted codes foisted upon humanity. 
MSM is full of the unnatural electro-tonal symbol-codes – and sadly – so are our 'religions'! So are our 'languages' and our 'music' and our TV and films. 
If you want to know a little about what might expand one's Frequency-of-Consciousness and what might not, test these 'alternative' symbols and codes with muscle-testing – Kinesiology - which tests the electrical circuitry processes of the body).
This world is changing fast – and it will change even faster in the next couple of years – and in accordance with how we create within our human hologram.
There are a number of 'entities' still remaining on Earth who choose to maintain (literally) their 'Status Quo' because their 'world-view' and that of their assumed ancestors, has been based almost exclusively upon their holographic concept of 'Status', influence', power, honour and 'worthiness'.
Their ways have NOT operated in accordance with the natural processes of Source-Energy-Creation and thus, throughout the millennia, there has been very little true expansion of Consciousness either individually or collectively upon this Earth-home of ours.
We each have a choice – NOW – a free-will choice as powerful, individual, loving and creative expressions of Source-Energy ('God').
Many of us will choose to physically (or etherically) 'ascend' (change our carbon-based template-form into a crystalline-silicate form and move into the higher-frequency dimensional blends) by assembling more of our DNA strands and releasing the seals so that we can absorb more of the frequency of Source-Energy now flooding the grids of our universe – and us!
Not all will choose this 'future' but it's an amazing moment in human history – for all of us! 
I hope to 'see' many of you with a smile on your faces on the other side of the Crystal Gates!!!
Thank you – for being YOU and for making the difference – everywhere.

How We Get to Be Who We Are in This Universe!

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Someone asked me a while ago if they were 'cursed' – because their life appeared to suggest that they were! But no-one is - unless they bring that sense into their own hologram for a specific soul-contract reason - I mean, the feeling of it etc. 
By the way – these are just my opinions - I know nothing any more than anyone else in 3D – and in many cases I know a good deal less but from my studies I can write the following without expecting anyone else to accept it as 'Truth'. We all of us make up our minds about that!
The thing is; Source (or 'God' or whatever term fits personally) is eternal, perfect in 'His' / 'Her' / 'Its' processes and simply (though in complexity) IS - ALL - there - IS. Being that, then it has always BEEN and all ways will BE. IT IS LIFE - and the balance in Life.
The Bible (and all 'religious' books) contain significant parts of 'the truth' of what IS - but like most 'codes', without all of the information, then it is impossible to 'know' what IS. 
Thus were these 'books' designed to distort and confuse - with just enough 'gnosis'  (knowledge therein contained) for those who came into contact with them to believe the position they were commanded (as in the 10 Commandments etc - and '10' is an unnatural-system number, providing totally different 'results' from the 'natural' number of 12!) the position they were commanded to occupy (interesting terms and words here aren't they? 'Occupy' meaning to 'be at war' or to act as 'an enemy'!).
So - one might / should maybe - ask why would Source / 'God' allow such distortions to occur in the process of perfection which is what IT IS? Why would Source seemingly prevent beings from knowing the 'truth' of all that IS and who they are and where they come from and how they are formed?
Well, let me endeavour to answer that: 
Source doesn't not 'allow' or 'prevent' or 'disagree' or 'take sides' - Source IS and the process of Source is ubiquitous, inexorable and perfect and perfectly and eternally structured. 
We term this 'structure' as being 'sacred-science' or 'geomantic', 'mathematical', 'electro-tonal' or the 'geo-magnetic', 'template-code', 'blueprint' of 'Life' - etc etc. This is how we 'make sense' of it all so that we can understand it in this world. 
In ancient native cultures (and in the higher dimensions of existence where 'enlightenment' – beyond the 7th dimension - is greater than here) there was / is less emphasis on language to make this sense than there is upon intuitive knowing and feeling, collectively and individually.
So how come some know and some don't? How did any of us get to where we have been placed in an environment where 'Truth' is compromised - in any way?
As I said, Source just IS and 'processes' as Source chooses - eternally - in perfection of all that it is and the most intimate aspect of this 'perfection' is . . . Love.
Let's go back then to the Bible et al.
'In the beginning was the word'. As we now know, this means 'Sound' which is the primary template-force in Source for the structures in Source to exist. 
This is an example of the 'Truth' being expressed but in code. Then we had the word,  'light' being introduced, leading to 'life' and the phrase, 'and God saw that it was good'. 
Here we have light in terms of 'vision' being presented. Still it's all in 'code' and the excuse the theologians would make is that men and women back in those days were too stupid to understand anything else - deliberately dumbed down is more like it! Anyway - they weren't - stupid - at all.
So - here's that part of the 'code' cracked:
There is no 'beginning' nor is there an 'end' (of course!) because all that is, exists in one 'moment' and in one 'space' - though the processes of Creation in Source create 'cycles' of creation which give 'beginnings' and 'endings' - but they are not definitive in the sense of ONE 'ending' or ONE 'beginning'. 
To start with all of Source is Consciousness in the form of energy - and all of energy is Consciousness. 
When Source (God - as in the Bible) focuses attention on a point (the 'still-point or 'the still, small voice of . . .') a structure is formed - a specific structure with specific sets of processes and parts. In fact the smallest particle of Source energy-consciousness is known as a 'partiki'. 
There are around 800, billion, billion partiki within the space of any one three-dimensional photon - so - partiki are small! Yet each one is Energy and Consciousness within itself. 
These are the 'building-blocks' of Life (everywhere) as we know it - and as we don't know it! 
There are 3 types of partiki in operation throughout all of Source:
There is, as I've said, Partiki - which is the 'physical' expression of ante-matter or 'the void' - the still voice of God - sometimes known as 'ManU' - or The original Spirit (or androgynous being). This is the tiniest particle of 'Source' or 'God-Consciousness'.
The there is Particum - matter - female – vibration - magnetic - sometimes known as EirA or 'Eve'.
PartikA is the final-third particle and is anti-matter - male – oscillation - electrical - sometimes known as ManA or 'Adam'.
They are all actually electro-tonal (light and sound) scalar standing waves of fission / fusion radiation. (We are only just now beginning to hear more about 'scalar-waves' in our current Earth sciences but they are and always have been, fundamental to the creation of ALL that IS).
A standing wave (everywhere within Source) is a point of energy which holds a fixed point in a grid with many others and there are very specific mathematical relationships and geometrical, geomagnetic interactions between the positioning of these standing columns of wave-form. They oscillate AND vibrate.
'Oscillation' is when the Particum and PartikA actually flash into manifestation - so you could see them - and 'vibration' is when they flash off and go back into the Creation-Point - (the Partiki-point).
When you look at a long line of lights at night - say, on a house at Christmas-time - as they flash they appear to be moving - but actually they aren't - they are just individually flashing on and off - it just looks like they are 'moving'.
The templates upon which matter is built are like that - but they aren't light-bulbs - they are Consciousness in the form of energy that interacts in very specific ways and at very specific angles with other units of similar type and some of an opposite type. The whole of Creation is made this way.
In fact - all of Consciousness is built up of these particles of light and sound which flash on and off in a perpetual motion of fission and fusion at vastly different rates and angles of spin and radiational-movement and there are literally billions of these standing, scalar wave-forms within your body and the body of the Earth and all the planets and in every atom too. They are EVERYWHERE – and they are Conscious!
Your body is packed with these 'wave-people' if you like - so you are not - not ever 'alone' - and they depend upon you - being a larger, grander form of unified consciousness than them - to help them to evolve into higher forms of Consciousness - as you already are. (This is the same as you and your 'higher' selves in other higher, hotter more enlightened dimensional existences).
There is a whole structure to the way 'reality' is built and it is NOT haphazard - at all. There are no 'accidents' in Creation. 
There is a supremely intelligent order and structure within the creation of the Universe and it's been known for eons as the Krist (interesting? The word 'Christ' has been 'taken' from the original and changed!). 
There are two main mathematical 'programmes' that are the primary template programmes or core programmes upon which everything in Creation is based.
They are called: 'the Krist' and 'the Kristallah' and they go together, seamlessly and in perfect conjunction. They represent 24 points of vibration and oscillation of fission and fusion and it's on these that standing scalar-waves form in intimate interwoven patterns that create the dimensional complexities of electro-magnetic energy through which and by which things come into being as individuated forms of Consciousness.
So - (as you already know anyway) - YOU are Source and Source is YOU - you are not separate in any way - you only think you are at certain times and you are NOT and never have been 'cursed' – with or by - anything.  In fact - you are BLESSED! Blessed by and with the love of Source which - because it SO loves you - and every one of the billions and trillions of wave-beings and partiki of which your physical body is formed - is happy for you to have the Free-Will choice to do as you free-will choose in any moment - because Source knows that you cannot NOT ever be part of Source and that wherever you go, whatever you do - even if you choose to return as space-dust - you are loved and blessed and are always - all ways - Source itself and you are sacred.
The whole of Creation – absolutely everywhere – is a hologram which outpictures itself from the Centre-Point of the Original Thought of Source (or God). And as we know; in a hologram, everything that is within the whole is contained within every single part of that whole, which means, of course, that YOU contain all that is – all of Source or God within every part of all that you are.
You are not a 'victim' of Creation – Creation is not something that 'happens' to you but is something that YOU make happen yourself – because YOU are a Creator-Being in every same sense that Source or God is.
You (and me!), or rather this current physical 'expression' that we know as 'you' have been in the density-levels of Source in the source-field for many eons and you have come to be where you are as a unified self-cognitive Consciousness because your higher selves have loved you too as you are learning to love ALL of yourself - yes even in the forms of partiki and electrical 'waves'.
The electro-tonal, standing scalar waves of partiki, particum and partikA of which you are formed are built upon grids which form the fabric of density in any level and especially in a 'heavy' density down here in D3. 
And these scalar wave-forms of light and sound create a hologram-effect through which and in which we - as individuated consciousnesses - may choose to create anything we desire - it isn't of course REAL in the sense that it is permanent or a fixed reality - but it SEEMS as though it is - and we choose whatever we wish to experience so that we may learn more about and enjoy more of . . . our true selves in Source – AS Source.
Source creates through 'intention' and 'attention' upon a fixed moment in Time and Space and we do the same!
Throughout Creation, Source fixes a portion of its attention with intent upon a 'point'  and in that instant that fixed-point in the cosmos 'activates' in the form of the 'Divine Trinity' of Partiki, Particum and PartikA interacting via oscillation and vibration as standing waves of light and sound which 'attract' other similar fixed-points of light and sound thus 'expanding', through replication and assimilation of Source-Energies, their own likenesses.
'Abraham' (NOT the Biblical 'Abraham'!) says that there is a 'Law of Attraction' at work in the universe – and he is (I believe) absolutely right! The fixed-point of attention expands and builds up a 'grid' of similar energies, a network of vibration and oscillation, flashing on and off light and sound which 'attract' more and more of 'themselves' in accordance with the original intent!
We create our perceived world and experience around us in the same way! It IS a holographic universe – and we create it!
Yet as has already been said, this is no 'accident'. There are no accidents in Creation – only 'intention' and 'attention'!
The flows of Source-Energy move through our template-structure and the mathematically structured grids upon which they are based, in accordance with specific mathematical processes and programmes and the templates are designed to accommodate the level or 'quantum' of energy (information) that that particular template-structure is capable of holding. 
Like, if I asked you to suddenly run a marathon, your physical template (body) would (probably!) break-down quickly, wouldn't it? 
Similarly here in dimension 3 - if we input too high or hot a quantum of Source-Energy into our template it would shatter - or burn out fast. 
Actually, that is what the tiny number of human bodies we sometimes hear about 'spontaneously-combusting' –  is an example of; a template shattering and burning out! It DOES happen and is what would happen if we tried, for example, to pass through a time-portal (there are12 major ones in Earth; one of them in the main pyramid in Giza!) without having first strengthened our template-structure and assembled the necessary portions of our DNA, which is a set of codes for activating and maintaining our own personal fission / fusion standing-wave light and sound holographic creative processes!
So - it takes some time and a few specific sequences of creation (inside ourselves) and quite some practise to assemble our DNA and strengthen the template so that it can accept higher and greater amounts of quantum of energy just as it would take some practise for your body to be able to run a marathon!
That's why it is so vital to know how the universe works and its 'laws', (not the Earth-science ways which are essentially only 'physical', matter-science based on finite laws and concepts). 
We are talking here about 'quantum-science - (the science of the very tiny as it impacts upon the very large) and how to affect the reality-field we create each moment (and its workings) via knowledge of the sacred-science codes, of how our template is put together and of how the passage of Source-Energy can be slowly increased through every part of who we are.
This becomes ever more important IF we choose to expand our consciousness and know more - about who we truly are.
The 'flows' of Source-Energy that pass through every single template and particle of everything everywhere, are essentially 'filtered' (in a way) through 'shields' within each atom, being, planet, star, universe et al (we are all the same in essence regardless of our 'size').
These shields in a way 'protect' us (our holographic integrity - physical, mental and emotional bodies) from unwelcome energies (such as the unnatural energies of false sciences as evidenced by the 'Fibonacci' spiral and 'Golden Mean') and also from the higher, faster, hotter, greater quantum energies of the higher dimensions.
Beyond the 12th dimension of plasma light (which is like the 'avatar' dimension wherein our 'avatar' self exists and from whence Jeshua, the 'primary' Jesus - Sananda perhaps originated), beyond this dimension there are no more 'density' dimensions in that they are primal light and sound dimensions of (to us here and now) enormously un-experienceable frequencies of energy which also run through all the grids of everything - but are prevented from passing through our dimensional blend (dimensions 1 / 2 / 3) by the shields we have deployed. 
Without these shields we would be literally shattered - all our templates and axiatonal lines and atoms and particles - would instantly return to space-dust (which is still sacred of course) and then 'begin' again (if so we chose as particles of Consciousness) to move into increasingly expanded states of consciousness as we are indeed right now.
Are there 'issues' down here in the third dimension of us apparently being forced to conform or be 'controlled' by other beings within our own dimensional blends and those immediately beyond us as in the 4th / 5th and 6th dimensions? 
It is all part of the holographic choices we have all of us (who experience this) put together of our free-will choice in Source to expand our own personal consciousness. 
We create and experience all facets of the 'victim-victimiser', 'blame-game' 'story' down here which is not natural but which is, through the perfect love of Source (or God), permitted within the construct of Source, because it is what we chose in order that we might know ourselves (and Source) more clearly and infinitely.
In the parable of the Prodigal Son . . . why does the 'master' run down the road to greet and shower kisses upon the returning son who had seemingly wasted his inheritance and life on all that was vile and unnatural - and seemed to ignore the son who had always remained true to the 'master' and never wavered from his side? 
Because the son who had returned had finally BECOME his own 'master' and finally knew who he was - the other son had always known and had chosen to remain in knowing - the returned son had visited every part of the master's universe and all that could be imagined . . . before he could finally know the fact that . . . he had never really left and that he always was and always had been - AS the master himself. 
The master's joy was in his long-journeyed son knowing finally who he was. He loved the other son equally but the final 'knowing' of his 'wayward' son was a moment of special joy - as it always is. 
This is the same for all of us when we move into higher dimensions and 'meet' our other self-parts within those levels and remember - everything of all of us. What astounding loving joy will be experienced - when we remember how we are together, inextricably and perfectly, once again. And we can do this even now – with the 'parts' of us within our physical bodies – the tiny fission / fusion standing waves of atoms and molecules, the 'wave-people' who live inside us – and look to us to guide and direct them as aspects of Source-Consciousness!
As part of this holographic journey we chose to take, we experience all sorts of 'perceived' disassociation, all sorts of apparent 'separation', all sorts of believed despair and feelings of loneliness, all sorts of everything - and we use this to expand our consciousness of who we truly are. 
We ARE the prodigal son / daughter still 'out there' sleeping in the pig-sty and eating mud and being victims or victimisers at different stages of our journey and we are at different moments controllers of others and controlled by others . . . until we wake up!
And how is 'waking up' achieved? 
It is when enough quantum of Source-Energy can feed through into the grids of our template in each of the dimensions we exist in and also when we have accreted (accumulated) enough 'frequency of consciousness' from the dimensions we have passed through and from the experiences we have created through our 'intention' and our 'attention'.
Over eons of 'Time' (which only exists as a concept down here, nowhere else) some beings, in the midst of their choices for controlling others, have created a 'limited' collective holographic reality-field where Source-Energy has been prevented from flowing correctly through the grids of the whole universe. 
We are within this 'experience' because we chose to be so and each one of us created our own special 'purpose' for ourselves in each of  our 'incarnations'!
Back in this 'Time' some very clever Source-beings (like us) but from higher dimensions, found a way to control the whole time-matrix within which we currently (in this physical expression as ourselves - you and me) exist. 
They stopped much (not all) of the Primal Life-Force Flows from the higher levels of Source from entering into and passing through all the grids in all the planets and stars and therefore into and through ours too via our DNA codings. 
SOME of this Source-Energy of course, still flows but at one stage, one-third of the Source-Energy quantum was prevented from entering the grids of our universe.
This was done by cutting the universal template-grid at the point immediately below the 12th dimensional star-gate – in the 'Cradle of Lyra' near the star Vega. 
Those 'advanced' beings knew exactly how the universal energies operated and how those energies were essentially electro-tonal and electro-magnetic and how these immensely powerful radiation forces of light and sound manifested themselves (through the intention and attention of individual and collective Consciousness) in a holographic reality-field – and how that whole reality-field could be controlled and, in effect, 're-directed'.
The Source-Energy flows, however, happily, began to increase their movement through our universe around 20 years ago and in December 2013 they re-assumed their original and regular passage into everything that is for in 2012 the link between Universal Star-Gate 12 and the rest of our time-matrix was re-connected.
Source-energy was flowing through the rest of the grid and as it is eternal and cannot be completely stopped these flows were sustaining life - but the higher flows - governed by the shield mechanisms, were not flowing and as a result OTHER sources of energy were required and created via unnatural sciences based upon 'physical' science as we know it today - you know - Newton's theories and many others reference such things as 'gravity' etc which is fact down here in our dimensional blend but which was also meant to run in conjunction with the sacred-sciences (how else did the 'ancient' Egyptians build the pyramids 50 thousand years ago? Certainly NOT by a million men lifting bricks and mortar and vast stones for 40 years!)
The unnatural ways of living and thinking and 'believing' (which has the word 'lie' within it!) - became the norm for us all down here and it was formed of a patriarchal control paradigm (partikA / masculine/ electrical /out-moving, creative-expansion intent) which deliberately did away with or severely controlled the matriarchal (particum / feminine / magnetic / in-coming, nurturing-contraction purpose) paradigm with which the 'essence' of our sacred-structure of life was designed.
This had the further effect of slowing the frequencies already slowed by the reduction in life-force flows from beyond the 12th dimension - and so, the story of victims and victimisers and lack and fear and separation and distortion went on and on and on which in turn had the devastating effect of making our personal and collective holograms, our holographic reality-fields, change in accordance with what we thought, said, believed, dreamed and acted out. It became a self-fulfilling holographic prophecy!
We could have spiralled (literally - that's the exact word for it) slowly down into less and less electro-magnetic frequency, dumbed down even further and slower in oscillation and vibration until . . . well, eventually a declined matrix of holographic, low-frequency particles falls into space-dust return - and is eventually, particle by particle, returned into individuated pieces of Consciousness - and begins again - to learn and return - to knowing itself - as Source - the return - again . . . of the prodigal son or daughter.
This 'process' has been going on time-out-of-mind - and always will. It is the very grandest of 'stories' and yet - it is the most 'normal' of tales.
You and I have been 'around' as they say - through all of this in various forms for billions of years Earth-time and the only question now of real relevance is. . . where do you want to go and where do you want to be - and, ultimately, who do you think you are?
As soon as a being KNOWS (or deeply suspects) who they really are - they make different choices and they begin the 'prodigal' return which ends in the most effable, loving, expanded and all-encompassing joy that could ever be experienced; the joy of being loved, completely, unconditionally and in every fibre and particle of all that you are and, indeed, all that IS.
As stated above, a little while ago (as a result of many thousands of years of endeavour from many, many enlightened beings on this planet and beyond it), the Universal Template was repaired at the point of cut and the Primal Life-Force Flows are once again flowing through all our grids.
Our shields are every moment now expanding naturally – literally like breathing - in accordance with real sacred-science - to be able to accept safely more and more Source-Energy - if we so choose. These accepted flows will further expand our knowledge of who we really are and where we have been and what we have experienced.
The whole universe is expanding now - and the parts that choose not to - will slowly decline into what will be the inevitable result of their choices; space-dust return - so that they may, one moment in time, begin again the journey into 'knowing' - and to stepping into the loving arms of all that truly is.

So What's Life All About?

Frequency: (Vibration / Oscillation)

I was out with my 3 year-old grandson the other day. I love that little chap completely. Many of you will know what I mean. 

As we were walking along an elderly couple very sweetly stopped and chatted.

The man said he hoped that my grandson would grow up to be successful and wealthy and help to create lots of jobs for young  people in the world because that's what was needed.

I thought about that and had a sudden realisation that what the elderly man said was not 'wrong' - it is just no longer 'resonant' with what human-beings are about here and now in our amazing holographic world.

I'm not saying that jobs aren't important (especially when you HAVE to have one for fiscal reasons) -  I'm saying that they are just NOT what life is about and neither is 'success' or 'wealth' or 'fame' or 'status' or any of those 'imposters' that Kipling spoke about in his famous poem.

I realised why the elderly couple stopped to speak to us. Not because of me -–honestly! But because of my little grandson with the shining face and lovely smile. The couple were captivated by him and why? Because they were drawn to him, even though they didn't know him at all. 

Of course, they would no doubt have been similarly drawn to any little child they had seen walking along their road that day but what was it about that situation which drew them?

My grandson's 'frequency' was what drew them in; the specific and special energy that he (and all children) send out around them to everyone regardless of name, status, height, colour, size or bank-balance. His frequency drew them to him.

And the flash of realization I had was that actually every boy or girl or man or woman possesses, naturally and completely, this vital frequency and therefore do not need to do anything else in a worldly or 'social' sense in terms of job or money or well, anything, in order to BE of 'value' in this life.

In fact (I'll wait for the cries of shock and horror), he or she can sit at the side of the road and 'do' nothing except meditate and stare at their navel and yet still be as 'valuable' as any fine, rich and 'accomplished' excellently employed gentleman or woman anywhere in the world, as long as in doing so they express the joy and expanded energy which creates for them their natural frequency.

Each one of us runs unique and powerful frequency through every particle of everything on and in this Earth. 

THIS is what we 'do' from the moment we first take breath upon this suspended, spinning globe and this is all we 'need' to do - except for one extra thing which is connected to this: expand our frequency and make it faster, hotter and greater in quantum.

So - those two things are all we are required to do in creating our personal holographic reality and assisting in the collective holographic reality.

I'm serious. 

Yes we can get a 'good job' and help the underprivileged and stop driving gas-guzzling vehicles and 
obey the 'laws' and help our neighbour and re-cycle our waste and donate to charities and just be 'jolly nice people' but you know what? We could do all of those a millionfold and still not BE as we were truly designed to BE.

I think someone once said that we just need to 'BE' in each moment and I think that's absolutely right. 

THAT is how we 'BE' - by expressing and sending out our own personal frequency and increasing it's 'power', I suppose you might say, so that it expands and runs through everywhere hotter and faster and with more quantum (which means that it contains more information).

So - what is 'frequency'?

I'm no scientist and I flunked the subject badly, twice,–in school so don't take my word for it but I believe the 'frequency' I'm talking about here is the combination of 'vibration' and 'oscillation' and my studies suggest that frequency is vibrating-oscillating wave spectra (standing scalar-waves of light and sound) of which matter particles and consciousness are composed.

'Vibration' is 'female' and sound which holds Source-Energy within these matter particles and 'oscillation' is 'male' and light which expends Source-Energy from these matter particles; sort of like breathing in and out.

'Frequency' is the process of both holding and expending energy in this vibration-oscillation sequence, creating standing waves of light and sound flashing on and off ,which manifest as consciousness every moment.

The faster the frequency (also hotter and greater quantum et al) the lighter or less dense is the form that consciousness can take and the slower and cooler (or less quantum) the frequency expresses, then the lower and heavier the density.

The 4th dimension runs faster frequency scalar waves than 3D does and similarly on and up the dimensional levels. 

The 12th dimension is not 'heavy', carbon-base as we are 'down' here in 3D but is plasma light which is so fast and hot and carries such vast amounts of quantum that our physical template (eyes, for example) cannot 'see' it or 'feel' it and our 'mental template (mind) cannot 'understand' the information carried therein!

But we possess the 'capacity' to do so deep within our DNA structures.

So how do we unlock that capacity?

We 'go faster'! Meaning we intentionally expand our vibration-oscillation rate so that our standing scalar-wave process accelerates, thus making us less 'dense' ('lighter' as in 'full of light') and increasing the amount of 'quantum' (enlightenment or 'gnosis' / knowledge) we can hold.

How do we do that?

I think Jesus said it best when he suggested we be like little children - ike my little grandson - who smiles such a lot, has no preconceptions, lives each moment for all that it is and does things full of joy and love (as far as the adults in his life may allow!).

That's why he runs such high frequency - all that he has right here, right now, and why he 'draws' people to him. His thoughts, his feelings, his love, his essentially un-complicated joy ARE his frequency.

But what happens in 'Life' most of the time?

As we get older we 'learn' stuff! Stuff which, if we are not extremely careful, lowers our innate and uniquely special frequency so that the hologram we moment-by-moment create changes in accordance with what we express, with the speed and heat of the vibration-oscillation rate we put out.

Most of us KNOW this fact already. We know that certain actions, thoughts, feelings, materials, foods, behaviours etc etc reduce our efficiency or our long-term happiness or alternatively, expand it.

EVERYTHING is frequency. Everything. 

The rock at your feet is running frequency through its particles; the grass; the mountain, the tree, the bird flying past is composed of a collective of trillions of atomic particles, all running frequency and all held together by that 'being's' personal consciousness with which it creates its own holographic experience moment-by-moment.

The Earth runs frequency, collectively and personally and the Sun and the Universe - and so do we.

But here's the truly amazing thing: 

WE have attained such a high level of frequency (holding Source-Energy and expending Source-Energy) that we may - if we Free-Will choose - consciously expand that vibration-oscillation rate and become lighter, faster, hotter and greater in enlightenment - and this is how we 'ascend' the dimensional stairway to 'heaven'.

We simply have to choose to do so - and do it!

All around us in this distorted world (and we most of us know why it is so distorted) there are frequencies of object and frequencies of act and thought and material which are so low and cold that if we are not very careful we can find our own vibration-oscillation rate being pulled in the direction of that which is lower and colder and less enlightened.

How else have those, who are astoundingly clever yet diabolically demented (lacking in quantum!), known that FEAR is a very low-frequency which can disrupt and dismantle the higher thoughts and feelings especially if those who are disrupted are ignorant of what is going on, who are ignorant of the details of who we really are and how we create?

Being ignorant in this way makes us vulnerable to that which may seek control over our vastly powerful capacities for Source-Energy expression. We need to be joyful, uncomplicated (in the best sense), happy, loving and yet also - AWAKE and AWARE!

So - what am I saying?

I'm saying that frequency is everything – and that knowledge of it and how to expand it is vital now more than ever maybe, if we are to step into that shining, joyous state of natural consciousness which IS our grandest birthright; to be like a little child whilst acting and expressing as the Christed BE-ings we truly are.

Dave Emery

Spiritual Sharings