Friday, April 10, 2015

Thought, Crystals, DNA and Electro-Magnetic Expansion.Or; How We Get From 'There' to 'Here' and Beyond!

2 moon world
Just recently there have been some wonderful links and comments on this site regarding the subject of this title above – my thanks to all who made them.
It's a very complex speculation – 'science' even – and seeks detailed analysis but for the purposes of this forum perhaps I might make some slightly 'shorter' comments about what has been said in reference to the title, which points a possible way towards an expansion or even 'ascension' of individual and collective Consciousness.
By the way – these comments display simply my point-of-view, my 'angle-of-vision' on this subject – you all no doubt, will have your own views and respect to all of you for them.
'In the beginning was the Word' – it is said . . . meaning electro-tonal (light and sound) frequency – oscillation and vibration . . . of Thought.
This is indeed a 'holographic universe' of various dimensions – all of it / them (there are 15 dimensions within our universe-experience) – created through INTENTION and ATTENTION of Consciousness at any one point in the Unified Field of Source-Energy – through . . . 'Thought'.
Each 'Thought' is manifest instantly in the electro-tonal form of the 'Divine Trinity' of three particles; being:
 The prime/platform particle 'void' / 'still' particle or 'ante-particle', (The 'Intent' of Source – or 'God')
The electrical/'masculine'/oscillating/ positive particle . . . and 
The magnetic/'feminine'/ vibrating/ negative anti-particle.
These particles are infinitely smaller than an 'atom'. The Earth-scientists are searching for the primary-platform particle, the primary unit of' 'Life' as they know it!
These three 'divine' particles change places back and forth and interact in precise 'movements' according to Source-Energy INTENTION and thus is Consciousness independently and eternally created by Source' ('God').
These interacting particles of 'thought-intention' attract like 'thought-intentions' and together form into standing waves of light and sound and accrete (add to each other) forming grids or webs of similar electro-magnetic standing-wave frequency which manifest as packets or formations of minute electro-tonal crystals.
In accordance with the 'INTENTION' of Consciousness they may become larger crystal-form-templates of various types of density or 'matter'.
They are always conscious at the level of their assembled 'Frequency-of-Consciousness' and expand or contract their form depending upon their free-will intent and the energy of Source (or 'God') which flows eternally.
The human form or template is one expression of this 'expansion' and this 'intention'.
Our 'human' DNA is composed of minute crystalline points of electro-tonal multi-dimensional frequency built up by and through the particle-oscillation and vibration of electro-magnetic pulses of Consciousness Intention.
This is the same (in different ways and in different degrees) with ALL beings and ALL particles including those in water and in animals and in the air we breathe. 
Every particle is 'alive' and conscious and is in the process of 'Consciousness-Expansion' in accordance with their own personal template of form and the Laws of Free-Will and Oneness.
We, as 'humans', are VERY expanded expressions of Source-Consciousness ('God-Consciousness') in the sense that we are high-frequency-sensitive expressions of Source ('God'). All of our 'particles' are in a sense 'aligned' with the One – which is indeed, 'Us'.
This is why we may (if we choose) 'talk' to water-particles (anything in fact) and ask them / encourage them – to expand – or contract – and they will – depending upon OUR Frequency-of Consciousness. It is OUR Frequency-of-Consciousness which entrains theirs.
We may also do this with all the particles within us. We MAY choose to 'entrain' them in accordance with our Frequency-of-Consciousness. It is a choice we may make. We ARE infinite 'Creators' in the Energy of Source.
The 'key', however, is our 'Frequency-of-Consciousness'.
How is this acquired?
Very basically: 
ONE - by accumulating ALL the natural dimensional frequencies of each dimension through which we 'express' and in which we create and opening up to the dimensional frequencies beyond the 3-dimensional blend of frequencies in which we currently (as 'Earth-Humans) live. (Dimensions 1 / 2 / 3).
This occurs in each of our 'Time-Vector' existences (our many incarnations on this Earth over what we call 'Time').
There are 'parts' of our unique, eternal Consciousness within the 12 dimensions beyond the '3' in which we exist now. They 'know' us.
Our 12-strand DNA crystalline holographic structure contains ALL of who we truly are and all we have ever known of Source ('God') – but most of the strands are not 'plugged' in to each other so we cannot 'remember'.
Collectively, the 12 strands of our DNA (and all contained within them) are known as the 'Silicate Matrix' or the 'Crystal Gene'.
We have 'forgotten' our relationship and connection with all our 'parts' or 'selves' (disconnection of strand 4) and some humans have even forgotten their relationship with other humans and the elemental kingdom - and Earth itself – (disconnection of strand 2) because certain strands have been, as just mentioned, disconnected.
Some of these 'disconnections' have been deliberate – but not by us!
Some of these disconnections have been because of the 'alternative' thinking – the alternative electro-tonal' thought-patterns - we have indulged in or been 'encouraged' to create in the hologram.
As these 'energies-of-thought' have the power to 'attract' we have collectively – over hundreds of thousands of years – developed 'alternative' ways and means of 'living' and existing and creating, many of which are NOT natural – at all!
Many of these ways and means have become 'self-fulfilling' electro-tonal 'prophecies' which have created alternative crystalline 'forms' of energy within the holographic Unified-Field.
However – every 26 thousand years vastly greater flows of Source-Energy  move throughout this 15-dimensional universe and create a natural expansion of frequency everywhere, first throughout the grids of all stars and then all planets and then throughout every living being and particle of Consciousness upon those planets and stars.
This is happening now and will continue until December 2017.
These natural flows began (so it is said) in 2012 and 2017 is when they will be at their most powerful.
Many beings – humans especially – are feeling the effects of these incredible flows of Source-Energy and (if each one of us so chooses) we will find our physical, mental and emotional templates (of form) expanding and adjusting as our DNA strands begin to 'plug-into' one another again – as they were always meant to do.
This will naturally expand our Frequency-of-Consciousness, sometimes at the expense of some weird or unsettling experiences!
You will be able to tell if your Frequency-of-Consciousness is expanding.
If your 4th strand, for example, has not been activated (so you have not been able to, say, astral-travel or contemplate having a part of you in an alternative dimension) then you will slowly be able to appreciate either – or both. (I have had a problem with this one myself – until recently!).
Similarly, if you have not been able to 'resonate' with the elemental kingdom (animals in general) or to consider that our beautiful Earth IS indeed a 'being' of Consciousness, then, if your strand 2 IS assembling, slowly you will begin to actually appreciate these facts – and place them into your belief-patterns – and create alternative crystalline-thought-patterns and therefore a more expanded holographic reality-field which includes respect, even love, for the elemental kingdom and Earth. (This is something else that has happened to me over the last few years!)
The second way in which we may expand our Frequency-of-Consciousness is;
Each strand of DNA contains 'crystal seals' which (very briefly) protect us by stopping all the very high-frequency electro-tonal 'information' acquired or contained within strands 6 through 12 and dimensions 6 through 12 in which we exist.
If we were suddenly exposed to this vast and powerful expansion of Consciousness-understanding we would blow our templates (our fuses, if you like) and end up like some human bodies have been known to – in spontaneous combustion! 
(Tales of these events are indeed because the physical, mental, emotional templates have been exposed to multi-dimensional 'information' which could not be carried through them or when an attempt has been made to 'travel' through a dimensional 'portal' -doorway - without the requisite template-power-information.)
As we expand our consciousness naturally these seals release and we naturally assimilate (and understand) all the expanded and wonderful information that we truly express as our true selves – everywhere.
We may do this by enacting and operating the laws of Free-Will and Oneness (The Law of One) which were the primary laws mentioned and taught long, long ago before the current 'religions' were written as distortions of the Truth – essentially – so we would not 'know' or remember, and therefore would fail to expand our Frequency-of-Consciousness through assembling our DNA.
Honouring the free-will of all other beings and knowing (and living) in our heart-space that we are all 'connected', instantly accelerates the assembly of DNA strands 1 through 7 by expanding our Frequency-of-Consciousness. 
This will also allow the assimilation of the 26 thousand-year pre-cessional Source-Energy flows into all our other strands in a very natural manner.
Feelings and images and sounds of FEAR within the template create dissonance, prevent strand-assembly and project 'unnatural' thought-energies into the collective hologram, thus creating an alternative experiential reality-field. 
This is what has been happening in our 'Earth-Journey' for many tens of thousands of years.
Also – it was no accident that those ancient (and not so ancient!) 'elite' human-hybrid beings and 'off-planet' entities who distorted and 'adjusted' SO many aspects of our human-'history' over the last many thousands of years, utilised specific distorted symbols (of light and sound) to further disrupt and change our manifestation and consciousness-expression within the hologram; thus – they helped us change the hologram!
We need to take great care now with the symbols of light and sound (the electro-tonal signatures of frequency) which we choose to use each moment – or read – or view - or utter.
The natural ways for the human expression of Consciousness are expanded by natural-specific electro-tonal codes and NOT the unnatural, modified, distorted codes foisted upon humanity. 
MSM is full of the unnatural electro-tonal symbol-codes – and sadly – so are our 'religions'! So are our 'languages' and our 'music' and our TV and films. 
If you want to know a little about what might expand one's Frequency-of-Consciousness and what might not, test these 'alternative' symbols and codes with muscle-testing – Kinesiology - which tests the electrical circuitry processes of the body).
This world is changing fast – and it will change even faster in the next couple of years – and in accordance with how we create within our human hologram.
There are a number of 'entities' still remaining on Earth who choose to maintain (literally) their 'Status Quo' because their 'world-view' and that of their assumed ancestors, has been based almost exclusively upon their holographic concept of 'Status', influence', power, honour and 'worthiness'.
Their ways have NOT operated in accordance with the natural processes of Source-Energy-Creation and thus, throughout the millennia, there has been very little true expansion of Consciousness either individually or collectively upon this Earth-home of ours.
We each have a choice – NOW – a free-will choice as powerful, individual, loving and creative expressions of Source-Energy ('God').
Many of us will choose to physically (or etherically) 'ascend' (change our carbon-based template-form into a crystalline-silicate form and move into the higher-frequency dimensional blends) by assembling more of our DNA strands and releasing the seals so that we can absorb more of the frequency of Source-Energy now flooding the grids of our universe – and us!
Not all will choose this 'future' but it's an amazing moment in human history – for all of us! 
I hope to 'see' many of you with a smile on your faces on the other side of the Crystal Gates!!!
Thank you – for being YOU and for making the difference – everywhere.

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