Friday, April 10, 2015

So What's Life All About?

Frequency: (Vibration / Oscillation)

I was out with my 3 year-old grandson the other day. I love that little chap completely. Many of you will know what I mean. 

As we were walking along an elderly couple very sweetly stopped and chatted.

The man said he hoped that my grandson would grow up to be successful and wealthy and help to create lots of jobs for young  people in the world because that's what was needed.

I thought about that and had a sudden realisation that what the elderly man said was not 'wrong' - it is just no longer 'resonant' with what human-beings are about here and now in our amazing holographic world.

I'm not saying that jobs aren't important (especially when you HAVE to have one for fiscal reasons) -  I'm saying that they are just NOT what life is about and neither is 'success' or 'wealth' or 'fame' or 'status' or any of those 'imposters' that Kipling spoke about in his famous poem.

I realised why the elderly couple stopped to speak to us. Not because of me -–honestly! But because of my little grandson with the shining face and lovely smile. The couple were captivated by him and why? Because they were drawn to him, even though they didn't know him at all. 

Of course, they would no doubt have been similarly drawn to any little child they had seen walking along their road that day but what was it about that situation which drew them?

My grandson's 'frequency' was what drew them in; the specific and special energy that he (and all children) send out around them to everyone regardless of name, status, height, colour, size or bank-balance. His frequency drew them to him.

And the flash of realization I had was that actually every boy or girl or man or woman possesses, naturally and completely, this vital frequency and therefore do not need to do anything else in a worldly or 'social' sense in terms of job or money or well, anything, in order to BE of 'value' in this life.

In fact (I'll wait for the cries of shock and horror), he or she can sit at the side of the road and 'do' nothing except meditate and stare at their navel and yet still be as 'valuable' as any fine, rich and 'accomplished' excellently employed gentleman or woman anywhere in the world, as long as in doing so they express the joy and expanded energy which creates for them their natural frequency.

Each one of us runs unique and powerful frequency through every particle of everything on and in this Earth. 

THIS is what we 'do' from the moment we first take breath upon this suspended, spinning globe and this is all we 'need' to do - except for one extra thing which is connected to this: expand our frequency and make it faster, hotter and greater in quantum.

So - those two things are all we are required to do in creating our personal holographic reality and assisting in the collective holographic reality.

I'm serious. 

Yes we can get a 'good job' and help the underprivileged and stop driving gas-guzzling vehicles and 
obey the 'laws' and help our neighbour and re-cycle our waste and donate to charities and just be 'jolly nice people' but you know what? We could do all of those a millionfold and still not BE as we were truly designed to BE.

I think someone once said that we just need to 'BE' in each moment and I think that's absolutely right. 

THAT is how we 'BE' - by expressing and sending out our own personal frequency and increasing it's 'power', I suppose you might say, so that it expands and runs through everywhere hotter and faster and with more quantum (which means that it contains more information).

So - what is 'frequency'?

I'm no scientist and I flunked the subject badly, twice,–in school so don't take my word for it but I believe the 'frequency' I'm talking about here is the combination of 'vibration' and 'oscillation' and my studies suggest that frequency is vibrating-oscillating wave spectra (standing scalar-waves of light and sound) of which matter particles and consciousness are composed.

'Vibration' is 'female' and sound which holds Source-Energy within these matter particles and 'oscillation' is 'male' and light which expends Source-Energy from these matter particles; sort of like breathing in and out.

'Frequency' is the process of both holding and expending energy in this vibration-oscillation sequence, creating standing waves of light and sound flashing on and off ,which manifest as consciousness every moment.

The faster the frequency (also hotter and greater quantum et al) the lighter or less dense is the form that consciousness can take and the slower and cooler (or less quantum) the frequency expresses, then the lower and heavier the density.

The 4th dimension runs faster frequency scalar waves than 3D does and similarly on and up the dimensional levels. 

The 12th dimension is not 'heavy', carbon-base as we are 'down' here in 3D but is plasma light which is so fast and hot and carries such vast amounts of quantum that our physical template (eyes, for example) cannot 'see' it or 'feel' it and our 'mental template (mind) cannot 'understand' the information carried therein!

But we possess the 'capacity' to do so deep within our DNA structures.

So how do we unlock that capacity?

We 'go faster'! Meaning we intentionally expand our vibration-oscillation rate so that our standing scalar-wave process accelerates, thus making us less 'dense' ('lighter' as in 'full of light') and increasing the amount of 'quantum' (enlightenment or 'gnosis' / knowledge) we can hold.

How do we do that?

I think Jesus said it best when he suggested we be like little children - ike my little grandson - who smiles such a lot, has no preconceptions, lives each moment for all that it is and does things full of joy and love (as far as the adults in his life may allow!).

That's why he runs such high frequency - all that he has right here, right now, and why he 'draws' people to him. His thoughts, his feelings, his love, his essentially un-complicated joy ARE his frequency.

But what happens in 'Life' most of the time?

As we get older we 'learn' stuff! Stuff which, if we are not extremely careful, lowers our innate and uniquely special frequency so that the hologram we moment-by-moment create changes in accordance with what we express, with the speed and heat of the vibration-oscillation rate we put out.

Most of us KNOW this fact already. We know that certain actions, thoughts, feelings, materials, foods, behaviours etc etc reduce our efficiency or our long-term happiness or alternatively, expand it.

EVERYTHING is frequency. Everything. 

The rock at your feet is running frequency through its particles; the grass; the mountain, the tree, the bird flying past is composed of a collective of trillions of atomic particles, all running frequency and all held together by that 'being's' personal consciousness with which it creates its own holographic experience moment-by-moment.

The Earth runs frequency, collectively and personally and the Sun and the Universe - and so do we.

But here's the truly amazing thing: 

WE have attained such a high level of frequency (holding Source-Energy and expending Source-Energy) that we may - if we Free-Will choose - consciously expand that vibration-oscillation rate and become lighter, faster, hotter and greater in enlightenment - and this is how we 'ascend' the dimensional stairway to 'heaven'.

We simply have to choose to do so - and do it!

All around us in this distorted world (and we most of us know why it is so distorted) there are frequencies of object and frequencies of act and thought and material which are so low and cold that if we are not very careful we can find our own vibration-oscillation rate being pulled in the direction of that which is lower and colder and less enlightened.

How else have those, who are astoundingly clever yet diabolically demented (lacking in quantum!), known that FEAR is a very low-frequency which can disrupt and dismantle the higher thoughts and feelings especially if those who are disrupted are ignorant of what is going on, who are ignorant of the details of who we really are and how we create?

Being ignorant in this way makes us vulnerable to that which may seek control over our vastly powerful capacities for Source-Energy expression. We need to be joyful, uncomplicated (in the best sense), happy, loving and yet also - AWAKE and AWARE!

So - what am I saying?

I'm saying that frequency is everything – and that knowledge of it and how to expand it is vital now more than ever maybe, if we are to step into that shining, joyous state of natural consciousness which IS our grandest birthright; to be like a little child whilst acting and expressing as the Christed BE-ings we truly are.

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